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Friday, May 17, 2024

Plato's Burial Place

Marble statue of Plato by Leonidas Drosis (1885) located in the Athenian Academy.

A deciphered Herculaneum Scroll offers new information about the possible site of Plato's burial. He apparently was buried near a sacred shrine to Muses in the garden of his academy in Athens. This according to Graziano Ranocchia, professor of Papyrology at the Department of Philology, Literature, and Linguistics at the University of Piza.

At an event in the National Library of Naples, researchers announced the early results of their decipherment of a carbonized scroll containing a copy of History of the Academy¸ penned by Philodemus of Gadara (c. 110–35 BC). Using advanced scanning techniques dubbed a “bionic eye” they were able to penetrate a 2,000-year-old carbonized scroll.

According to the research team, the scroll contains intriguing new details about Plato’s life and death. 

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